Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Up in the Air

Last month I began watching the show Up in the Air. It is about Southwest Airlines and the passengers that miss flights, are stranded due to technical difficulties or weather, and all of the luggage issues. I was praying that I would not get to live any of these... Well we almost did and I don't think my blood pressure has adjusted to normal ever since. Traveling with a toddler was manageable but if he was not with us we could of ran and not felt rushed. Here it goes...
Sunday July 1st was the Presidential election in Mexico. Therefore I believe that flights and other means of transportation were operating in a non normal way. We arrived 3 hours before our departure (so thankful we did). We found out that our flight was over two hours late and would not make the connecting flight in Phoenix. So, the next options that were given to us meant that we would arrive very late into Ontario. That was not good, Matt & Nancy were going to pick us up and then would have to get up early on Monday to go to work. I begged and nearly in tears because I just wanted to get home. After what seemed like 30 minutes went by and she was able to get us on a flight with American Airlines. Very thankful!! We were routed to Dallas then Ontario. We also had first class seats!! Woohoo! All went smooth on the first flight. Once we arrived in Dallas we had to make a mad dash to customs, then pick up luggage, and ultimately drop them off, security check then get to the proper gate all under an hour! We had to cut in line in customs, pleaded with TSA security to allow little liquids, have them test all of K's liquids and catch the sky tram to the furthest gate. It was perfect that our flight was delayed because we had a few moments to catch our breath.

Lessons learned:
*Make sure connecting flights have a layover two hours or more.
*Don't have a connection in Dallas (or even London- we missed a connecting flight there).
*In your carry on only take the necessary liquids and make sure they are in a designated ziploc bag.
*Always ask if you can be upgraded if you have been a customer that has had to go through changes that are done by the airline (not weather related).
*Pick up tips from watching a show such as Up In The Air!

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