Thursday, September 27, 2012

A new me!

Since I am writing this and posting this then I am accountable! I have to be honest here- I enjoy food but it has affected me. After I had Kaden I lost tons of weight and I thought I could lose more. Well in the last 11 months I have gained weight and it makes me very unhappy. I look at pictures of when K was three months old and I looked good! But now I look at myself in the mirror and I am very sad, disappointed in myself. So, here is my journey...

On September 25th I made a commitment that I will try 110% to workout and lose weight. I can see myself on Christmas Day at least 15 pounds lighter and by March I pray and hope that I am a total of 30 pounds lighter. I will be posting my journey once a week so that I don't bore people daily since improvements should be seen weekly, really seen monthly.

I have worked out, which is not easy with an 18 month old that wants to climb all over me while I do push ups. I enjoy Jillian Michaels 30 day shred plus a good old run with kiddo in the BOB stroller. I have made huge changes in my diet. I know it has only been a few days but I am being strict and it is a lifestyle change. I am not depriving myself in any way but here are my changes:
*No soda! It is not good for you so I thought this would be easy and so far it has been. For the last 13 months it has been my source for a pick me up. Only water!! I can manage this (also means no Starbucks). I will see an increase in my pocketbook.
*No sweets! I enjoy chocolate, especially when I'm moody. I can handle this.
*No junk food! Which boils down to no chips, etc... This is tough because sometimes I crave something salty.
*No fast food! This one is tough because when I am out and about it is convenient to just pick up something. I do crave French fries on occasion but I need to stop.
*Lower my carb intake. Tough but has to be done.
*Don't eat dinner late- my last meal should not be consumed later than 6pm, considering I usually go to bed around 10pm.
*Lower calories- I have been making meals from a weight watchers cookbook and tomorrow I am going to get the Paleo cookbook from Costco.
*Limit dairy consumption. I can totally handle this one. For a period of time I had no dairy because it affected Kaden so I can follow this.

This all may seem tough but all in all it is possible. Eating more fruits, veggies, meat and water. I feel hungry at times and when I feel that I drink water or eat a fruit or veggie. It can only get better from here!! Wish me luck

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