Saturday, August 31, 2013

When the going gets tough

Well I am not going anywhere, mentally I am at a complete stand still and crying. Yes crying again! Parenting is not easy and you don't get a break. Had I known I would not have signed up. If I could have caught a glimpse of my future (2013) back in 2010 then I think I would have done things differently. Since I cannot turn back time or change anything that happened yesterday then I need to move forward and swallow hard to my brutal reality. This post is mainly another opportunity for me to vent. I have not slept well in weeks so maybe that is partly what is wrong with me. Factor in a two year old boy that his "character" desperately needs fine tuning, then you will understand my current state. 

I am through with the tantrums, lack of eating, outbursts, not wanting to potty train, and above all disobedience. Yes, I will read this post to my son one day because there will come a time that he will want to "reminisce" his toddler days. I will pull up this blog and pictures to prove what I endured. To make a long story short I feel like my present circumstances are tough and I sort of feel stuck. Kind of like being stuck in heavy thick mud or quicksand. I know there is a way out and in the end I will learn a lesson but when is the end?? That is a question that I don't have an answer to and of course it is driving me CRAZY! I don't see "mother of the year" award coming my way any time soon so with that said I will pout. The thought of pouting is not what I intended to do but in this case I am out of options. Crying has not lead me anywhere and neither has thinking things through. 

Let's get to the bottom of my dilemma- my son is a two year old and we are at a crossroads. At the intersection of "hurry up get it together because you are a big boy" and the other "you are still like a baby but it is ok because you are my only one." He sure knows how to push my buttons daily, along with whining, tantrums, and acting out. We have tried everything from time outs to let him cry it out and don't pay attention then to giving  a disciplinary spanking. Many people will disagree with spanking but it is a form of disciple and it is done with the best intentions. So what will we do? Since coming home from our vacation we have not gone out anywhere. Partly because he has not earned the privilege to get to go out and he cannot act properly in public. Yes he screams at the store and throws himself on the floor. (I vowed years ago that I would NOT have that kind of screaming child). Fast forward 8 years and I am that woman that has "the child!" Haha, NOT!!! I am frustrated and stressed out beyond imagination. I need help but most importantly he needs help!
In order to move forward we need help.
Calling super nanny comes to my mind and I will be contacting her tomorrow. Many people have great parenting tips but each child is unique and one parenting technique may have worked with your child but it might not work for my son. 

I'm exhausted and in need of a vacation by myself!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Andie my heart goes out to you! You certainly are not alone. Most of us have days where we just want to open the door and run as fast as we can! And those who pretend they've never had a day like that are either lying or leaving the child rearing to someone else. Could it be that he senses how frustrated you already are and is acting out on it? I know, its ridiculous because why would any human being want to piss you off more than you already are when you are the one in charge of making sure they eat and are taken care of, but thats a child for you! I have 2 under 4 and there are days i just wanna sit and cry. Some days i do and feel better. I have learned that most days i am the one that sets the mood at home, they simply act upon my good/bad mood.
    I pray God gives you direction, perspective, and patience. Motherhood is THE HARDEST thing ive ever had to do, but its also the most important ministry ive ever been entrusted with......
