Thursday, May 30, 2013

When going to the gym is not an option

It has been a long 4 weeks since my fall at the gym and I still have not recovered. I should write a disclaimer paragraph that this is not my usual post. It is hard to feel upbeat when you can barely walk let alone clean your house. My poor son has been stuck inside our home (for fear that if I take him to the park he will run off and I won't be able to catch him). 

On a positive note I have been able to have lots of down time and enjoy being home and praying. I enjoy praying for others and reflecting on the many attributes of God. I know God has a reason for everything and I am learning to listen to my body and I am not able to bounce back as quickly as I thought. 

After much prayer I broke down and tried to schedule an appointment with an orthopedic specialist. My first thought was to call my previous specialist and I found out he is out of the office and nobody knows when and if he will be back. Grrrr!!! Second thought call the urgent care that I went to and ask the attending physician to refer me to a specialist. He denied that. Double grrrr!!! He said that I needed to see my primary doctor and everyone knows that you can't see a primary doctor for a few weeks out. I was running out of options and time is of the essence. I need to get back to the gym and live a normal life. Going to the grocery store and after 30 minutes I am exhausted from walking. And using crutches is not an option for me. So I had to find a doctor that would authorize me to see a specialist. Finally I found a hoop to leap through. I saw the nurse practitioner and she referred me to a specialist and requested for me to get an MRI. I am happy now that I will get some answers because I cannot live like this for much longer. I bottom line is listen to your body know what is best and seek God for answers. He will direct you!! 

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