Friday, March 1, 2013

Hit the gym & eat healthy

So we broke down and got a gym membership. I was very particular about what I wanted in a gym plus I wanted it to be great for Kaden to go and get exposure to other children. My criteria in looking for a gym was: reasonable pricing (did not want to spend over $40 per membership), offers plenty of classes (ie. Zumba, yoga, Pilates, etc...), I can go to various locations (not limited to one gym, and the biggest factor was the kids club (it had to have a secure kids area & had to cleaned regularly). With my criteria in my mind I would not back down. I found a gym that is 4 miles away, not bad and it fit our budget, offers many classes, can go to any facility in any city, and the kids area won me over- it was highly secured and they clean daily if not more. We have been going to the gym almost everyday and Kaden loves it there. We came to the conclusion that over an hour in the kids club is not long enough for him. I can see it now- first day of school and Kaden will be begging to stay longer!

With a new gym routine we had to incorporate more fruits and veggies plus cut out carbs (limit them). Tonight's dinner was grilled lime chicken with grilled veggies. No bread, no rice, no potatoes, NADA! Scary huh?! Dinner was delicious and I need to train my body not to eat carbs past 4pm and I must be very careful with the carbs I do eat earlier in the day. Can you see the new and improved me in a few months? I sure am excited but worried how long it will take me. Since giving birth to my kiddo my metabolism has taken a nose dive, I need to read up on boosting my metabolism. Maybe because I am now in my 30's? Oh gosh that sounds terrible. Wish I was vibrant like when I was 24! Wishful thinking I know, but I am quite positive that with proper eating, exercising, vitamins, and getting proper sleep that I will turn the tables on my sluggish self. Wish me luck!!!

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